CTVT is a trust promoted by Kumar Properties Education Foundation, Pune. It is an independent, non-government, non-profit registered trust with charity commission, Govt. of Maharashtra. The trust is registered u/s 80G of the income tax act 1961. CTVT is managed by Board of Governors.
The mandate of CTVT is skill development and professional training of manpower for the building and construction sectors. It trains supervisors and foremen, equipment operators, architectural draftsman, mechanics and tradesmen in various construction trades up to supervisory level.
The real estate industry is in dire need for skilled and trained manpower at various levels and positions. While there are a number of engineering and architectural colleges, who cater to the technical requirements, the industry is struggling hard to find skilled and trained manpower at supervisory level, which is very inadequate. To bridge the gap, and to create a fraternity of skilled and trained manpower at supervisory level in construction, CTVT has come up with an initiative called Vimal Kumar Institute of Technology (VKIT).